Information and communication technologies for the development of "smart" industries

Svetlana S. Turlakova


It has been determined that the increasing complexity of the smart industry’s production technologies and the widespread introduction of cyber-physical systems into manufacturing processes requires a transition to the use of appropriate information, software and technical tools. One of the most important factors in the development of "smart" industries is the informational communication at the enterprise, and information and communication technologies are the tool that allows the most effective interaction at all levels of production and management. The priority of the task of elaboration appropriate formal and system tools for using information and communication technologies for developing smart industries as part of the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept for effective interaction at all levels of manufacturing and management are indicated.The analysis of up-to-date approaches to the creation of a single information space of industrial complexes to determine the methodology, which allows to consider the information and communication links of the simulated systems in more details, is made. Among others, the structural approach is highlighted. Based on the SADT methodology, an information IDEF0-model for the development of "smart" industries has been developed, which provides a holistic picture of the relevant processes. The proposed model allows describing the relationship between management functions and the main information and communication links, implementation mechanisms, the set of mathematical models and approaches for the development of "smart" industrial complexes in a logical, convenient and consistent form. The main purpose of the model is to provide informational support for the development of "smart" industrial complexes. In addition, the consideredinformational model is the basis for further automation of the development processes of “smart” industries. Promising areas of research have been outlined as part of the implementation of the offered informational model for the development of "smart" industrial complexes in the practice of functioning and development of industrial enterprises.


information and communication technologies; development; "smart" production; structural approach; informational model; IDEF0-model; industry; Industry 4.0;

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