Economy of Industry

The scientific professional edition “Economy of Industry” is a periodic scientific and practical professional journal that publishes peer reviewed materials. 

Founded in 1998.

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine.

Publisher and manufacturer: Publishing House "Academperiodika" of the NAS of Ukraine (in accordance with the order of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine dated March 24, 2022 No. 158 “On the designation of the Publishing House “Akademperiodika” of the NAS of Ukraine as a publisher of scientific journals, the preparation and publication of which is carried out within the Journal Support Program of the NAS of Ukraine”).

Frequency: 4 issues per year (quarterly).

Publishing language: Ukrainian, English.

International Center for Periodicals Index: ISSN 1562-109X (Print), ISSN 2306-532X (Online).

The Journal is included in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine in Economic Sciences ("051", category B) (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 15, 2019 No. 1301).

Media identifier R30-02851 according to the decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 1054 dated 03/28/2024.

The Journal's scientific publications are assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) by the CrossRef agency (starting in 2014). The Journal has been assigned DOI index 10.15407/econindustry

Editor-in-Chief: Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor O.I. Amosha.

The purpose of the edition is to research and solve scientific and practical problems related to the economy of industry, as well as to the formation and implementation of industrial policy through cooperation with authors who carry out scientific research and practical activities in these areas of economic science. 

The Journal covers a wide range of theoretical and applied economic problems on the following topics:

economic and theoretical foundations of the manufacturing sector;

macroeconomic problems of industry;

economic problems of industrial enterprise development;

strategizing and regulating the development of industry;

social and labor issues of the manufacturing sector.

The Journal publishes original scientific works (articles), short reviews and scientific reports, reviews, biographical and chronicle materials, and covers scientific and popular science events.

“Economy of Industry” journal is available in print and also in free access online. The corresponding print and electronic edition numbers are identical.

The author(s) are not charged a fee for publication and editorial processing of the manuscript. 

Publication in the Journal is free. Authors will only incur costs for mailing 1 free author's copy to the address specified in the author's reference (if necessary). The copyright for the published article belongs to the Journal and the Author. The copyrights for the manuscript are considered transferred by the Author to the Editorial Board from the moment of acceptance of the manuscript for publication. After the printed edition is published, the article is placed in the public domain. The distribution of copies of the Journal remaining after the mandatory mailing is carried out according to the list approved by the Academic Council of the IIE of the NAS of Ukraine.

Digital archive. The full text of published articles is available for download on the Journal's website in the section “Archive” and in the National Repository of the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine..

Articles in PDF format are posted on the website of “Economy of Industry” Journal after the publication of the printed version. Also, within a month time, articles are posted in international scientometric databases.

“Economy of Industry” journal is indexed by the Ukrainian National Abstract Database, “Ukrainica Scientific”, and is included in the Scientific Electronic Library of Periodicals of the NAS of Ukraine. The publication is included in the EBSCO Publishing worldwide electronic library of scientific periodicals. The Journal is included in the list of journals of the Index Copernicus international scientific citation index (Poland). The edition is indexed by Google Scholar freely available system. The scientific and practical Journal “Economy of Industry” is indexed in international scientometric databases, ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences) and Research Bible (Tokyo, Japan).

The Editorial Board of the scientific journal “Economy of Industry" supports the position of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Resolution dated January 24, 2024 No. 22) and the Scientific and Publishing Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the inadmissibility of participation in the preparation of publishing products by scientists who are affiliated with an organization or institution located in the territory of an aggressor state or a state that is a sponsor of terrorism, as well as in building research on their conclusions/results (as evidenced by the relevant sources used in the research), without proper justification of their uniqueness and originality and significance in world science and specific significance for the research proposed for publication.

The authors of the manuscripts are responsible for the actual content of the materials, the accuracy of bibliographic references, citations, figures (tables, formulas, etc.), the spelling of geographical names and proper names, and author identifiers.