Minimizing personnel resistance to organizational changes at enterprise

Roman M. Lepa, Aleksey A. Okhten, Igor I. Stashkevich


The article is devoted to substantiating the approaches to minimizing the resistance of staff to organizational changes at an enterprise. It was revealed that existing scientific approaches do not allow formalizing the assessment of organizational resistance and minimizing the costs of preventing organizational resistance; they do not take into account such important factors as the authority of the members of the staff, objective benefits of a decision for the staff members and their inclination to adopt other people’s opinions. They do not allow assessing the staff members support for organizational change taking into account the information interaction between them. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of existing approaches conceptual positions to minimizing the resistance of staff to organizational changes at enterprises were proposed, as part of which an approach was developed to assessing the level of support for organizational changes by the staff after the information interaction between the staff members, as well as an approach to managing the minimization of staff resistance to organizational changes at an enterprise based on the optimization model of optimal (in terms of cost and results) decisions. In terms of decision-making, the main task is the choice of optimal measures (interventions) that work through changing the objective benefits of the decisions and the initial level of support. A practical approbation of the proposed approaches at an existing industrial enterprise was carried out, and perspectives for further research were formulated. Prospects for further research are in the development of tools for minimizing organizational resistance and developing methods for assessing the characteristics of workers.


resistance to changes; personnel; evaluation; organizational changes; enterprise; planning

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